
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Starting a Business

Equally important to having all the physical "stuff" collected for your business, is being collected mentally. Your thoughts, ideas and attitudes should be in harmony so you are prepared to handle your business.

One of the best methods of doing this is to schedule your time, so you know how much effort is going toward each activity you're required to undertake in your business. All this will go a long way in helping you maintain the essential attitude you developed when you became comfortable.
As you go through the process of getting collected, an important point to keep in mind is your professionalism. Getting collected not only means making your business as easy as possible, but also as professional as possible:

You'll know how to manage your time. You'll have a professional-sounding voice mail system. You'll know how to get yourself mentally prepared for calling potential clients. You'll know how to respond to unexpected questions. In essence, you'll conduct your-self in a professional manner.

Many people decide to work from their homes, however, you must be cautious about doing this. Just because you're home-based doesn't mean you don't have to be professional.

On the contrary, you almost have to be more professional when you're home-based. Don't get overly casual just because you're working from home. Have professional letterhead and business cards created and present a business image that's on a par with large successful companies.

An important part of being professional is creating a business plan. You need to have a business plan and plan your activities week by week - even day by day - because planning means using your time efficiently.

To plan, you must have goals. Remember the goals you wrote down when you made your commitment? To get collected, you need to use those goals to create a business plan.

You may resist creating a business plan. Perhaps one of your goals is to get away from a rigid schedule and creating a plan seems to go against that goal.

However, if you don't create a plan and make some sort of schedule, you'll never claim your success. If you don't want a rigid schedule, create a schedule that isn't rigid - it's as simple as that. It's not creating any schedule at all that is self-defeating.

Now, your business plan doesn't have to be set in stone. It is just an estimate of how to get where you want to go, and it can change as you see necessary. Also, it's okay if you don't follow the plan to the letter, as long as you don't completely disregard the plan.

Remember, if you plan nothing, that's exactly what will happen with your business - nothing. And, if you let your plan go, you'll be letting your goals go also.

Without a plan, you'll essentially wind up being goal-less, plan-less and clueless.
When you make a plan, you need to include your professional as well as your personal commitments. This will help to ensure that you are making a plan you know you can follow.

For example, if you know you have to pick up your children from their after-school activities, don't schedule meetings for that time, because you obviously can't be in two places at once.

By considering your personal commitments when making your business plan, you increase the likelihood of following your plan and claiming your success.


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

An Idea Could Mean A Great Business

We all know that ideas big and small can lead to great business success. Some of the worlds richest people started with just a small idea and turned it into an empire of wealth. When thinking of Ideas for a business try to think of things that are suitable for the market place. After you come up with your good or great Idea the next step is to put into action the steps necessary to achieve that success you dream of. Thinking of the Idea is the most important part but it is also the easiest. To get it off the ground and having some success with it you have to overcome many obstacles in the process. There are many questions that one has to answer for his or herself before they can move forward into the process of setting everything up and actually implementing the your ideas into an action plan of success. Think good, think hard and think wisely before moving on to the next level.

What abilities and gifts or talents can you contribute to your business and how can you implement them in a way that will benefit the people you will be targeting. What do your customers expect, what will make them happy and keep them coming back in the future. It is extremely important to identify these areas when beginning your business project don't just jump in and throw things out there for others to stumble over. Try to make your business something you enjoy this will make it much easier to continue your efforts towards success. If you enjoy what you are doing it will be easier to help others enjoy what you are doing. Also keep in mind that if you do something you enjoy then putting your heart and passions into it is already there and that is half the battle.
The most important thing to keep in mind is the product of course. Analyze the market for what you have to offer. Do people want what you have ? How can you get it to them and make them happy? Will they come back the next time they need it ? How competitive is the market place for what you have to offer? These are just a few of the answers one has to ask self.

There are other aspects of this business venture that you need to take into account, see see the list below.

- Is your Idea unique and one of a kind?
If your idea is unique then there will really be no competition this will help you to definitely control the market for what you are offering. When you have control of the market and you are the leader, success is yours, but dont loose track of it because there is always someone else right behind you that will put you out of business just as fast as you reached success or faster.

Always continue to think of new ways to implement your product to the market and keep your customers 100% satisfied. This will keep them coming back and keep the competition in their place (behind you).

- Is what you have to offer a quality product for the customer?
Be sure to offer good quality products or product. This is by far the most important aspect of any business on earth. If you don't offer a good product and your customers are not satisfied you will not be successful with your business. Always offer a guarantee and make it a good one! Be satisfied and sure of what you sell, if you are then they will be too.

- What will this business cost you?
There are a lot of businesses online that you can start for little to nothing and the rewards from some of them can be very pleasing to the pocket book and to your desire for success. Look into how much a business will cost you before you get into it to far. If the over all costs are more than you can handle or care to take on then look for other ways to reach your goals. Where there is a will there is a way.

Through a business link You can  review some impressive business opportunities that could help you to reach the goals you desire, whether its your own product you wish to offer or a small business you can start now and run from the comfort of your own home. Success is always available for all of us no matter what the obstacles are to get there. When you have someone that has been there time and time again to help you in your journey it makes things easier and most of all quicker to obtain.

What ever you choose to do. I wish us all the very best in all of our endeavors.


Monday, October 26, 2009

Should You Work For Yourself?

Let me guess, you don't jump out of bed 15 minutes before your alarm goes off every day do you? Instead, do you find you literally drag yourself out of bed at the crack of dawn every morning getting ready to throw yourself into the daily grind? Can you imagine what it would be like if you worked for yourself instead? How would your day be different if you didn't have to leave your house in order to work? Imagine the freedom, relaxation, and control you would have. Working for yourself is something you can achieve. You have to have a big enough why to step out and work for yourself. You also have to have the right vehicle to help you accomplish your goals.
Once you have these two things figured out you are on your way. Here are five reasons why you should work for yourself:

  1. Time -- Everyone wishes there was more time in the day to do the things they want to do. When you work for yourself, you will have control of your time to do the things YOU want to do when you want to do them not when someone else tells you to.
  2. Cash Flow -- Money makes the world go round whether you focus on having it or not. With a job or career, you are being told how much your worth by a dollar amount. You get raises not based on how hard you work, but on the health of the company you work for. You have no control over how much you make. When you work for yourself, there is no end to how much you can make. All you have to do is decide what that is and apply yourself.
  3. Ability to spend time with your family -- Would you like to wake up without an alarm clock and eat cheerios with your children and spouse? Work for yourself and this will be the option you finally have.
  4. Tax Breaks -- Face it paying taxes isn't the greatest thing you have to do each year. Owning your own business allows you to write off numerous things you would never be able to working for someone else. The savings in taxes is a reward in itself!
  5. Peace of mind -- Working for yourself allows you to control the things in your life. Times are tough now and working for someone else is very unstable. There is no corporate loyalty anymore. You have to take control of your destiny and future. Wouldn't you like to be at ease about having everything set up for your family and truly know you can limit the struggles going on in your life.

Working for yourself has great benefits and is achievable. All you have to have is the desire to succeed, willingness to apply yourself, and the right vehicle to take you down the road to success. How would your life be different if you had the time, money, and peace of mind you have always wanted? Drastically for the better that's for sure! If you want to know more on how to accomplish your dreams. If you don't make a change now, when are you ever going to?


5 Ways to Keep Learning and Growing

I recently received a long letter from one of my readers - whom I'll call "Amy" -- that went something like this, "Ali, I see you're now charging beaucoup bucks for your coaching programs and to mentor with you. No question you are worth thousands of dollars to work with! But I feel really stuck. You see, I am down to my last dime. You emphasize how important it is to keep learning and growing... and to have a mentor, but how can someone like me do this when there's no money to invest?"
Ah yes, Amy, believe me, I remember what that was like. In fact, things got so bad when I first started my business back in New York 10 years ago that there was one evening I couldn't even take out $20 from the ATM. (And even if I did have cash to spend, I didn't know where to find a mentor anyway.)
So what's a girl to do when she's on a budget?
Answer: Learn all she can within her means.
While in-depth courses and high-level mentorship programs deliver a complete plan for those who are ready to invest and move forward quickly, don't forget about tried and true low-budget learning options. The five I list below are surely nothing new, but often times we forget they are here for the taking! The only trick is you have to motivate yourself.
1. Books.
Yes, books. Remember books? There are millions of helpful and educational books out there. Both new ones in bookstores and used ones at the library. Ones to inspire you, to motivate you, to help you think differently, and delivering specific steps to grow yourself and your business. Spend a rainy afternoon in a Borders or Barnes & Noble with a coffee and see what strikes your fancy. Or finally get that local library card and see what they have to offer in their business and self help sections. Bonus: Most libraries also carry CDs and DVDs that they rent for free or a low fee, and usually you'll be able to find several educational titles.
2. Free ezines and reports.
Search your topic of business online and you're bound to find tons of free online information and many in the form of ezine subscriptions and reports. From marketing to moneymaking, from advertising to finding clients, if you search for it you will find it.
Just know these media - being free - are typically more introductory information and used as lead generators. But good content can surely be found!
3. Free teleseminars and webinars.
Along the same lines, many experts are also hosting free teleseminars and webinars day and night around the globe. All you need to participate is a phone or an Internet connection. From business training to personal development - search and you will find as well! As with free ezines and reports, you can learn a lot from these events, but just expect a sales offer during the session.
4. Free and low-cost live seminars.
Even adult education classes via organizations such as the Learning Annex are great to get started. Even though they usually feature very basic info, I've found these classes are still good to help reboot your brain and give you some new ideas to walk away with.
If you live in a major city you can also almost always find free or low-cost seminars to attend as well, if you keep your eyes and ears open. But remember, the hosts of these events aren't non-profits! Expect a sales invitation to buy their products or enroll in a program. Just realize this upfront as you go in and graciously decline should you choose not to take advantage.
5. Lower-priced information products and programs.
If you can't afford a live mentor, how about one in a box? That's how I started! And I admit it was even from a TV infomercial.
Back when I had finally quit my last job 10 years ago, I was lost and frustrated. I had started my business but was down to just a few hundred dollars in my bank account. One late night I was up and turned on the TV and saw an infomercial for Tony Robbins' "Personal Power II". (Funny enough, I could barely see it on the screen since I couldn't afford cable TV and was watching it via old-fashioned rabbit ears.)
If I remember correctly, the product was $179 at the time. That was a huge stretch for me, and I opted for the payment plan. And when those cassettes arrived (yes, I got the cassettes because they were cheaper than the CDs), I dove into them like a box of chocolates! Tony became my virtual mentor as his voice of encouragement, showing me how to think big, was played in my ears every day while I rode the subway.
If you're not growing, you're dying
Remember that not having cash to invest in your business is no excuse to sit on your bum. There's a great saying, "God helps those who help themselves." Having money isn't a prerequisite to step forward to grow and become your best. The only requirement to your stepping into your greatness is your true desire to do so.


Get Comfortable With Your Professionalism

As an entrepreneur, you'll have to get comfortable with your ability to react professionally when you can't answer questions, and with your ability to learn on the fly. You'll have to get comfortable with learning from any kind of experience, success, failure - and everything in between. Because of the very nature of business, you will find that you will go through many twists and turns on your Journey of Success.
When you get comfortable, you won't get upset with every new twist to your business. When you get comfortable, you might even get to the point where you enjoy the challenges presented by each new deal. Let me share a quote with you from football great Walter Payton which I believe with every fiber of my being.

"Having the courage to do things you are not an expert at, trying things that you are totally unsure about, having the courage to stick with it once you start and learning from every step that you take until your particular goal is reached, even if your goal is never reached, is a learning process that will enhance your life. Just remember, it is your decision to succeed or fail; no one else's."

Now, you might be the type of person who has trouble getting used to new things. Does that mean that you can't do this business? No, it means you have to try a different approach. If you can't get comfortable with new experiences around every bend, then just decide to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

This is all part of the process of moving from your Comfort Zone to your Discovery Zone. Just acknowledge that you are going to feel uncomfortable, and don't let that stop you. You can get through plenty of business deals feeling uncomfortable if you decide that for you, that's the only way it'll work.

The most important thing is to maintain a positive attitude. If you focus on things always being different from which you are accustomed, you will get caught up in the things that are making you uncomfortable. If instead, you focus on the fact that you can do business anyway, despite feeling uncomfortable, you might find that the uncomfortable feeling dissolves away.

When you get used to feeling uncomfortable, your uncomfortable feeling can begin to feel comfortable. Hopefully, this makes sense to you. If not, read it again, because understanding what I'm saying here is an important key to success

Something that will help you maintain a positive attitude is to keep your challenge and your commitment in mind. Remember that challenge is the starting point for the entrepreneur's success journey.

It's okay to feel uncomfortable with a challenge, as long as you're committed to succeeding.

When you look at whatever it is that makes you uncomfortable, and then looks at your reason for becoming an entrepreneur and your commitment to it, your discomfort should seem like a minor issue.

The problem that many people have with getting comfortable is that they're worrying about either the past or the future, and not paying attention to the present. They may be worrying about mistakes they've made in the past or worrying about what will happen in the future if they make a mistake today. The trick is to focus on the present - on your current situation - and to focus on what you can do, rather than what you can't.


Creating a Business You Love

Businesses are meant to be owned by its creator - not the other way around. Unfortunately many people have left the constraints of a job only to become a slave to their business. Our business should be built on our passion and we should be deliberate about the type of business we desire to operate. The business we start up should be a reflection of who and what we are. A business can be only as good as those who are a part of the business.
Whether you realize it or not you can design and build the ideal business that you love. There are several things you can do to make this happen:
Create the exact definition of your ideal business.
Ensure the business operates within its definition. Do not allow the business to become more than what you created it to be. Be careful not to allow the business to dominate your thinking or your time. Ensure that God and family are your first priority.
Target the right people. You should work to attract employees and customers with vision, goals, responsibility and who are coachable.
Overdeliver. Always provide excellent customer service and valuable products/services. Give beyond the expectations of your clients and staff.
Don't provide hype. Always offer truth and facts. Market from a position of educating your clients. Think value first. The information you provide should be high on your clients list of importance.
Create a buzz. Actively drive your word of mouth advertising. Give the market something exciting and positive to talk about.
Use wants based marketing. People buy what they want not what they need.
Use an effective selling process. Funnel marketing builds a loyal customer by giving them a quality product free to take action.
Harold is christian multipreneur who is committed serving entrepreneurs from a christian based approach. His ability to write, train, market, and communicate is establishing him as a voice for spiritually inclined people building spiritually aligned enterprises.
Harold Thompkins is not a guru or expert in any specific field of business However he is quickly becoming an authority on the christian principles of success for the modern day business person. He shares the information he learns in an impactful manner that influences the development of the proper mindset and motivation for required effective business building. His passion is discovering and learning to utilize proven marketing techniques and relationship building with people who pursuing their entrepreneurial dreams through the internet.
Harold incorporates his vast and diversified leadership/management/ supervisory experiences in athletics, work, business and ministry in motivating and inspiring others move beyond quitting and giving up. His knowledge and faith to succeed by helping others build profitable difference making businesses is his fortay.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Your First Business Idea is Hidden Behind This Lesson

I used to ask my friends and relatives about their ideas on starting this First Business and just like YOU might have experienced I got different answers without finding what I was looking for and believe me: IT WAS VERY FRUSTRATING.

For some of them starting your own thing is just..TOO RISKY. (How ridiculous huh?)

To others there's just TOO MUCH COMPETITION OUT THERE. (Which is GOOD by the way)

THANK day it hit me. And HARD.

You see, nowadays EVERYONE believe that they have the right answer to EVERYTHING and honestly, THEY DON'T.

What's really amazing here is that MOST are trapped in a PRISON where they HATE their life (including their job of course) and even MORE AMAZING is that YOU dare to listen to their opinions and end up FRUSTRATED too.
So, let me ask you: Do you FEEL this way? Are you trying to change that situation but don't know where to start

The truth is that there's a FACT that you CAN'T deny: YOU CAN'T live alone. Period.

You Either hang out with your college buddies, your co-workers or your closest relatives. It doesn't matter, you hang out with someone.

What YOU are not conscious of, is that you become whoever you hang out with and that's exactly why you haven't found that SUPER IDEA for your First Business.

Now, let me take YOU behind the MOUNTAIN and let you know something: YOUR NET WORTH = YOUR NET WORK.

Whatever you do each day affects your life in ALL WAYS and your desire to become an Entrepreneur is NOT an exception if you surround yourself with people who don't think like one. (And by the way I'm offering YOU the chance to CHANGE THIS at the end of this article. Be sure to check out the link.)

So to prove my point let me end this article with the following EXCERCISE FOR YOU:

*Go calculate an average of how much your closest friends make each month and compare it with what YOU DO.* Got it?

It's just a matter of learning from your friends.

Remember: If you want to become a successful Entrepreneur it's time to hang out with someone who's already one.


First-Time Entrepreneurs should avoid

The first step to entrepreneurship is finding the right business idea. The popular advice is to do what you love, but for many successful entrepreneurs it is far more important to do something that sells. Do you really think that the guy who manufactured and sold the first rubber bands had some bizarre affinity for that particular binding implement? Doubtful. The best business for you depends on your reasons for going on your own, your skills and experience, and a handful of other factors. That said, there are certain startups that everyone should avoid, especially if you are looking for your first entrepreneurial opportunity.

Don't Do What You Hate

On the flip side of the standard "do what you love" advice is do not do what you hate, no matter how good you are at it. If you have put twenty years into an industry and have had enough, don't launch your own business doing the same thing just because it is what you know. If it is simply the day-to-day tasks of your particular position that you don't enjoy, consider other ways to use your knowledge of the industry in a business that you would find more interesting. Or, go ahead and learn something altogether new. But continuing in a line of work you despise just because you already know the operations is a bad idea. You will be bored, unmotivated, and disillusioned very quickly...a situation that virtually guarantees failure.

Avoid Competing With a Current Employer

Also avoid business ideas that are in direct competition with your current employer. If you are under an employment contract (even an official employee manual), there is a good chance you agreed to a non-compete clause, whether you realize it or not. Part-time or moonlighting businesses are especially relevant here -- it is a bad idea to start any business that even might have a distant conflict of interest with your current employer. They will fire you, then sue you. Just don't do it.

Don't Rush Into a Business

Many would-be entrepreneurs are so eager to launch their own business that they make really horrible, knee-jerk decisions about which business to pursue. Don't rush into anything. Take the time to thoroughly research your idea. If it turns out to be viable, then you have a huge jumpstart for launch. If it turns out to be too high of a risk or unlikely to succeed, you are only out the time you spent researching. Any tools you purchased to help you through the planning can be used again to help you plan the next idea, so no waste there.

Avoid Commodity Businesses

Avoid commodity based businesses, where the lowest price captures the sales. Startups don't have the volume purchasing power to compete with the established corporations, and you will end up with an inventory full of loss leaders...and no profitability. Instead, consider ideas in which personal attention, innovation, or other factors drive your target market's selection. Service ventures are good, and the more specialized, the better. Niche businesses make it easier to identify and reach your target market, and focusing on a single marketing message can save you both time and money in the early stages of your first startup.

If it Sounds Too Good to be True, It Is

Don't fall for the get-rich-quick scams. If it sounds too good to be true, it is. Anything that claims you can make a lot of cash by doing nothing, learning nothing, and spending nothing (except their scam fees) is nonsense. Somewhere, your logic is telling you its balderdash...listen to that inner voice and save your money for the startup resources you really need. MLMs of all types (including the scams and product-based outfits like Amway and Avon) have over a 99% failure rate. That is, more than 99% of people who buy in to become rich from the lower levels never even earn back their investment. Don't try to jump aboard someone else's idea. If you want to be truly successful in business, find your own business idea and do the work to build your entrepreneurial skills.

Don't Exceed Your Risk Tolerance

Be careful of any idea that requires a huge upfront investment. Unless you have an extremely good reason, avoid risking everything you have on your startup. If your business idea involves more money than you can reasonably accumulate, look for ways to modify it down to a reasonable scope. You can always grow and expand to meet the bigger idea over time. Also avoid significantly high-risk ventures your first time around. Entrepreneurship is difficult enough in low-risk ventures, and uncertain startups add an entirely new, thick layer of stress to everything you do. Look for the lower hurdles and the obvious ideas. Once you work out the kinks in how to run a successful startup, you can move on to the higher risk/higher reward ventures.

Choosing the right business idea is critical. While you need to be happy with what you are doing to stay on track, it is not true that you have to do what you love. Instead, keep the "what to avoid" in mind and take a look around you. Often, the best ideas are the most obvious.


Saturday, October 24, 2009

a Business Partner Can Make the Difference

Like anything else in business, there are viable arguments for and against launching a startup with a partner. Some business ideas make the decision obvious, while others require a bit of consideration as to whether a partnership is the best option. In some cases, just planning to hire employees to fill any knowledge or skill gaps makes the most sense. That way, you retain control over the major decisions of the business (and the profits) while relying on an experienced staff to handle the day-to-day. Still, partnering with the right person can provide significant benefits to any startup.
The first obstacle, of course, is choosing the right person to partner with. Many successful partnerships begin close to home. Working with your spouse or a close friend can be very advantageous. You already know each other's habits, quirks, and strengths and weaknesses. Often, two people in a close relationship are close because their personalities are complementary -- each one excels at different things and sees things from different perspectives. These relationships translate very well into the business environment. Starting a business is not an exercise in mastering a single subject. Rather, successful entrepreneurs must become experts in marketing, accounting, legal issues, leadership and every other aspect of managing a venture for success.

If you are looking for an outside partner, be clear about the qualities you are looking for, and don't settle for someone who is just like you. Consider all of the knowledge and skills required to run your business idea efficiently and evaluate your strengths against that list. Then, search for a partner who fills in the gaps as much as possible. Of course, it is critical that you get along well and can work together effectively, as you will be spending more time with your business partner than any other person in your life. Look for someone with a similar sense of humor as well -- laughter goes a long way in getting you through the stresses of a startup.

Working with a partner is usually better than working alone. A partner can provide motivation and pep talks when you need them and help you look at problems from a different perspective. You are able to check in and keep each other on track. Encouragement is invaluable during the long stretches of tedium that come with any startup, and the support of someone close to you, who is working toward the same goal, can make all the difference.

If you choose to partner up for your startup, be sure to lay the ground rules before you begin working together. Decide who is responsible for what, from daily tasks to major decisions. The early stages of a partnership tend to be like a honeymoon...but that feeling will quickly wear off. Therefore, it is critical that every aspect of the business is discussed and agreed upon beforehand. Evaluate each of your strengths, and leave the final decision to one partner or the other. Don't expect to agree on everything, but don't let alternative opinions cause ongoing problems either. If everything from setting deadlines to splitting the profits is worked out before you start, your partnership can avoid the problems of resentment and dissatisfaction that plague many multi-owner ventures.

More than anything, effective partnerships realize that they are in it together. Don't compete against each other (except, of course, for friendly, motivating competitions), but work together to compete against the rest of the world. Develop solid communication skills and trust each other, your venture's success depends on it.

About the Author-K. MacKillop, a serial entrepreneur, is founder of LaunchX and authors a small business startup blog. The LaunchX System includes step-by-step business startup procedures, small business software & more, to help entrepreneurs start a business based on their idea. Visit for a free Business Readiness


Become a Super-Achiever

Achieving ordinary or average success in a business is not a big deal. Your aim should be to become a super-performer. Becoming a super-performer in your business is not an impossible thing. There is definitely a science to the way this can be achieved. To move forward on this agenda, you can follow these tips.
1. At the start of the business, you will be all-excited and highly enthusiastic. But, after the initial euphoria, this excitement may diminish. You may get caught up in disillusionment. If your desire to become a super-performer is deep-rooted, you must shift your goal-post and try to achieve a little extra in whatever endeavor you undertake. This will enthuse you all along and you will never lose your verve.

2. Your employees should be an inspired lot and should have the skills that are complementary to their specialization. For example, your Administration executive should have accounts knowledge also, your marketing manager must have administrative skills, etc. This will help you in delegating the major portion of your routine work to them so that you can devote most of your time on planning to achieve better than the ordinary plateau.

3. Boredom and anxiety are enemies to achievement. If you fail to achieve your target, you are again caught up in anxiety. This becomes a vicious circle. Pep talks and positive believing will help you to get over this problem.

4. Studies have revealed that boredom stems from lack of knowledge in the subject of your work. If you study the work you have undertaken in depth, it will introduce to you altogether new elements about the work. This will fundamentally change your view of the subject and bring out several extra perspectives of the work. This may also broaden the scope of your business which may take you on the fast track to become a super-performer.

5. It is a monstrous crime if you do not perform to your fullest potential. You must fuel your creative instincts to utilize this potential. As it is said, chaos stimulates creativity. When there is a problem, you tend to be creative and find out the solution to the problem. You have to reinvent yourselves and be receptive to ideas. A lot of commercial legwork needs to be done in business and this requires concentration, patience and imagination.

6. Rigid discipline, obsessive optimism, fortified desires, smart back-up plans and readiness to travel the 'extra mile' are the traits you require to make your desire to become the super-achiever, an unparalleled driving force. It also involves self-examination to know your emotional status on a daily basis so that neither emotion nor reason hold the sway at any given point of time and the right and balanced doses of both are present in your business life.


Friday, October 23, 2009

3 Easy Ways to Make Money With a Permanent Magnet Generator

Unless you have been living under a rock or have been out of reach of civilisation for the past year or so you must have heard about the latest alternative energy device that is taking the world by storm; the permanent magnet generator.

These devices are cheap and simple to build, the run for years without requiring power and generate clean, green and renewable electricity just like the better known wind turbines and solar panels. A typical permanent magnet generator is capable of providing as much as 50% of the average households electricity needs - build 2 and you could be self sufficient. With this in mind its easy to see how building one can save you a lot of money.

But, did you know that there are some very simple ways to make money with a permanent magnet generator as well as save it. I will outline 3 easy to implement ones here but there are many others.
1. Build Them And Sell Them. That's right. You've built one for yourself but why stop there. Build more for friends, relative and workmates. Or of you are really ambitious start up a small business building them for paying customers. With the huge potential savings they offer, people will pay a lot of money to have them built, and virtually no one is offering this service just now.

2. People Will Pay To Have Them Installed. Most people are very tech unsavvy. They don't like the thought of installing switches, wiring and technical looking bits of kit. The truth is its very simple to install a permanent magnet generator but because its seen as a complex device you can charge a good amount of money to do a professional installation.

3. They Need To Be Maintained. They actually require very little maintenance in reality but you can make good money by offering on-site maintenance to keep the power running day and night. Its easy to charge a premium for nights and weekend callout as well.

So there you are, some quick tips on how to turn your money saving permanent magnet generator into a money making machine.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Know How to Stay Motivated

As an entrepreneur do you ever find yourself having grand plans and intentions but then often falling short of them? It is natural to want more wealth, health and knowledge. However, we often lack the motivation to see our plans through. Despite the initial "boom" of enthusiasm, we tend to quickly lose our steam.
A typical true entrepreneur at heart is always looking for their next business. How many of us have signed up for the next MLM or business venture. Your energy is high and your dreams grand, but after working a little while in the business, you end up losing the motivation and the energy you had when you first started. Usually this is after you have also invested a lot of your time and money.

So why should we bother? Achieving what you set out to do, can give you a sense of fulfillment and purpose. You feel accomplished and complete. Learning how to motivate yourself, is a lifelong skill that will make reaching any target possible. So how do you stay motivated or "on task"?

Here are some tips:

1. Find your Dharma Your what? Another word for Life's Purpose is Dharma. What is your true calling in your life? What would you do if money was not an issue? Once you figure that out, then turn whatever you love into service for others. If making a lot of money is your life's purpose, then you need to be helping others do the same, in order to fulfill your life's passion.

2. Get a map! You need to get a roadmap of where you are going. A plan for the next month, 3 months, 6 months and even to a year. By having a plan, you now have direction and a map of how you are going to accomplish your goal.

3. Start to visualize your goal. By visualizing what you want to do, you end up putting your thoughts, feelings and energy into your goal. You can do it simply by closing your eyes and thinking about it, or you can create vision boards around your desired outcomes.

4. Ride the momentum and excitement wave. A quote about how to action our goals by Tony Robbins really sums this up: "Excitement must lead to immediate action or you will lose the power of momentum. More dreams die because we fail to seize the moment. Do it now! "

5. Celebrate small successes and milestones. Everyone always looks at the final destination as the reward. "When I make $1Million Dollars..." By celebrating small successes along the way, you are just reinforcing that you are on task. Examples of milestones could be: The first client you get, the first 4-figure month, the first 5 figure month, the first 6 figure month etc...

6.Keep your energy clean. Have you ever had a great idea that was waiting to blossom and then you shared it with someone and they shot it down? Refrain from getting too close to negative people with negative energy. And if you can't keep completely away, use their negativity or doubt as a way to catapult you to succeed.

7. Network with others. Now with the world wide web, you can find a forum or a group for everything. Networking with others that are either in the same business or similar business, can really keep your motivation level up. Other entrepreneurs have gone through what you have gone through. Note: Remember rule number 6.

8. Use the power of words. Surround yourself with powerful quotes, words and affirmations. You can have a quote or affirmation scroll as your screen saver, hang them up around your house (post it notes are good for that), write them on little cards and carry them in your wallet, or use magnets with quotes. Every time you think you feel your motivation dropping, whip out a card and just say it over and over again.

9. Use personal development products. There is a reason why this is such a booming industry. Using tapes, cds, dvds over and over again can help to put you in the mindset you need to stay motivated. Also, once a year, incorporate your vacation with a personal development workshop so that you come back refreshed and ready to live your life's passion.

10. Exercise, exercise, exercise. If the above 9 steps just don't work to keep you motivated. Put on your workout shoes and just get out and exercise. Once you get your blood pumping, oxygen into your brain, you will be sure to be back on task.


Top Tips to Keep in Mind

Whether you're a small, medium or large-scale entrepreneur, there is one crucial aspect of running a business that you cannot do without: your business plan. If you're just starting out in establishing a company, the plan will serve as a guide that you can follow on what to do next. Once your company is already up and running, the business plan will tell you where your endeavour is headed. When you stumble upon a problem, it seems as if the plan can also magically come up with a solution.

But what if the one you created appears to be stagnant? What if the principles indicated in the original biz plan that you have does not apply to the current trends in the industry anymore? Then it may be high time for you to give your business plan a much-needed makeover.
Top Tips when Revising Your Business Plan

Now that you already have a basic idea about the importance of having a an organized plan, here are some of the most important things that you need to consider when creating one, or revising the existing plan that you have:

It should be flexible enough to adapt to the current business trends.

If there's one thing that you can expect in the business industry, that is none other than the changing trends. What if your plan is designed to fit the industry trends which existed ten years ago? The rule of thumb to follow is that your business plan should be flexible enough to be able to adapt to the latest business trends.

The plan should identify your top priorities as an entrepreneur. There should be a set of company goals to follow, and this is what your business plan should be patterned after. The business plan should be written in a reader-friendly manner.

The problem that most plans have is that they are written in a too-detailed manner. Instead of writing about the description of your management team members, how about including the things needed to successfully manage your company? The business plan should be written in a reader-friendly voice, with simple steps outlined so that you would know what to do in a particular situation.

It should measure your progress as a company.

Metrics is one of the most effective ways of measuring your progress as a company. It will give you a preview as to whether you are meeting the set of goals that you have, or if you're put off track by a particular business decision that you made recently or in the past.

It should be 'open' to changes and modifications.

Finally, expect to make changes with your business plan. Set regular meetings to review your plan and revise as needed. By doing so, you can ensure that the plan is still up-to-date and designed to meet your overall goals as a company.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Keep Your Money Behind You, Not in Front of You

$40,000 is a lot of money. Maybe not for flashy sales presentation materials, a bonafide US patent application, industrial artist renditions, 3d computer models, soft tooling guaranteed to produce thousands of parts and a couple dozen prototypes that aren't quite what you want, but will be the next time around after the tooling is changed. But's it is significant money if what's missing are interested responses from the hundreds of companies all over the U.S. that product introduction packages were sent out to. Gloom and doom, that's for sure but it can get worse. More sophisticated tooling will result in less expensive parts and why not put it together and sell it ourselves the not to be beaten inventors might ask themselves. It won't be that much more money and we can't quit now, I never want to hear or think about anyone saying.
Visions of grandeur conceived by the inventors or half true promises of others that might suggest they have customers in the wings? Whatever the reason, it's unfortunate and should never happen and it's no one's fault but the people who wrote out the checks. And we have to remember that in all likelihood, services provided were done so with excellence by people who do so because they want to stay in business. But the future of their businesses is not a function of how much product you sell. It has nothing to do with it. It's up to you, and only you to know how much product you will sell long before you start spending the dollars to pave the road to envisioned success.

Getting caught up in an idea happens often. Investing big bucks in it before knowing its true value happens less often but unfortunately not enough less often. Knowing how hard people work for their money, none of us ever want it to happen to anyone. All prevention is are a few cautious steps at a time.

A good idea will sell itself in it's most basic form. There is no need to invest a small fortune in product development and tooling costs to bring a new product concept before others for market testing and concept promotion to industry. You alone are probably the best vehicle for promoting and selling your idea. No one has the process locked up for placing a product concept before corporate executives. In fact, the executives might be tired of the glossy brochures and shiny prototypes showcasing product concepts they know they can't sell. And they might even shake their heads at the thought of product development costs already invested in to get the idea before them.

There is a less glamorous approach without bells and whistles. Invest only a small amount of money but a lot of your time at the grass roots. Start out with a provisional patent ( $115.00) that will allow you to safely review your concept with as many people as you can allowing you to note their perceived value, monetary and usefulness, of the concept if they were able to purchase it today. Have a small engineering study done that will confirm your invention can be manufactured at your desired cost as well as enough information to have a bare bones working prototype fabricated. With your product specification, provisional patent and prototype, your idea will now have worth, identity and credibility. With your new tools, market test it again with people that are representative of your intended market base. Compile your data and decide yourself if you have a winner or not. If you still feel good about it, go out and sell the idea yourself. Companies have rules about how they want to receive new inventions from the outside. Follow them and they will review it. You will show more enthusiasm and desire than anyone else if they decide they want to discuss your invention. If they do like it, the new product development process and the thousands of dollars that will follow will be their expense and not yours. If your idea turns out to be one that no one is really interested in, you haven't spent a fortune. And it doesn't mean you won't come up with another.

Good luck with your idea, spend wisely and move cautiously. I have my fingers crossed and all your friends do as well, that it lands with all the other successful new inventions in our busy global marketplace.


Starting Something is Not Crazy

When people talk about starting something on their own, the initial reaction of their listeners is one of incredulity. The listeners immediately think they heard something wrong. It just sometimes does not appear right when people who had been working for someone else talks about putting up their own business. Secondly, the next question that is apt to be asked is: What about your college degree? Are you somehow throwing it away? These are gut reactions and totally understandable from a sane point of view. However, most entrepreneurs are not totally sane people when we define sanity by our usual standards of looking for a stable job and getting employed in a firm as a career. Yes, I must agree, a bit reluctantly perhaps, that entrepreneurs are a little bit crazy for walking away from a stable job and take the risk of finally being their own boss.
Being the boss has its own rewards, primarily a psychic one. For the first time ever, the person who went through the hassles of getting business permits and printing business cards and letterheads is about to start on a remarkable journey that can lead to either greatness or failure. It is also clear from the data that most small business owners have no desire to expand their business beyond a certain size. For them, they are content to attain a certain size (number of employees, branches or outlets) and just sort of coast along. However, there are also a small but significant proportion of them who dream of getting big someday and compete with those giant firms on an equal footing. They dream of hiring both professional management and sit on their own board of directors as chairman. These types of people had retained their hunger, drive and motivation despite the passage of the years. At any rate, their sole compensation goes beyond financial remuneration and they aspire for higher things such as providing employment to thousands of workers, introducing a technical innovation to the market, give some stiff competition to larger firms or fill some perceived need of society (selling a better mousetrap).

Entrepreneurship is certainly alive and well here in the United States. Record numbers of people are putting up new businesses each day and even the profile of entrepreneurs had changed a bit too. It is no longer that surprising that there are now more women entrepreneurs than ever before. The working moms who often have to juggle home and career find putting up their own businesses is a great way to combine the demands of home and earning an income to augment the family income. Additionally, we see today there are also a greater proportion of teenagers who are still in school putting up a firm of their own, usually in the high-tech industries such as computers or digital communications. Indeed, the entry to small business is never easier than before. In the U.S., it takes an average of only 4 days to register a business and $200 for all the permits and licenses needed to establish a legal entity. Compared to Japan, for example, where eleven different procedures for putting up a business costs around $3,500 and takes 31 days, the process to be followed in the U.S. is just a breeze indeed.

With the jobless recovery of the economy, many people are looking for other ways to earn some money and entrepreneurship is one avenue they can pursue with vigor. Besides the increasing number of women and youth entrepreneurs, there is another trend noted by the Small Business Administration. It is only in this period that the numbers of part-time entrepreneurs have increased five times from prior years and constitute one-third of all small businesses in the country. These small firms sometimes go beyond the normal two-year lifetime since start-up and are even moderately successful by most of any standard measure we can use. Others go on to become industry leaders by being extremely successful. It is estimated roughly fifty percent of all employment is generated by the small business outfits today. A small firm is defined as something that is independently owned and operated for profit and one easy way to go this route is the inflatable hire business. You should try it sometime to see how it works.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Why You Should Be a Leader, Not a Boss

"A real leader faces the music even when he doesn't like the tune" - Arnold H. Glassgow.

Today, I just want to share some tidbits with you. I got inspired to write this because of some statements I often hear from aspiring entrepreneurs. Statements such as "I want to be my own boss" or "I want to be in charge" or "I hate taking orders." Most entrepreneurs aspire to be their own boss instead of aspiring to become leaders.
So I want to use this article to correct this ill. With this article, I want you to see why you should be a leader and not a boss. This message is in an easy to understand format so please share it with your family and friends. Good luck:

Be a Leader, Not A Boss.

An entrepreneur is a leader, a manager is a boss.

A boss knows everything, a leader admits mistakes.

The boss tells employees what must be done, a leader shows how to do things.

A boss criticizes, a leader gives advice.

A boss talks first, a leader listens first.

A boss gives orders, a leader gives direction.

A boss demands respect, a leader earns and deserves respect.

A boss rules, a leader serves.

A boss is the smartest on his team, a leader surrounds himself with people smarter than he is.

A boss is a task man, a leader is a teacher.

A boss does great things, a leader inspires others to do great things.

A boss speaks to your ear, a leader speaks to your spirit.

A boss is trained, a leader is made.

In conclusion, my advice is you should strive to be a leader rather than being a boss. Go for it and I will see you at the top.


Monday, October 19, 2009

Psychologically Unemployable

How many times have you heard a guru or industry leader in network marketing, internet marketing or MLM say that they were "psychologically unemployable?"
I used to laugh when I'd here that. I could relate to what they were saying, but I didn't really believe it was true, at least, not from a clinical standpoint. I just thought it was maybe that they had the mindset of an entrepreneur rather than an employee. Or, maybe they were just lazy. I'm sure that most people would much rather be in business for themselves than work for somebody else. Those who pursue the dream of owning their own business and being there own boss have a certain amount of courage, drive and determination that the typical "employee" may not have. But that doesn't necessarily mean they are psychologically unemployable. It just means they are willing to take the risks that the average person may not be willing to take, making the sacrifices and hard choices.
We are raised to believe that we must get an education, get a degree then go out and get a JOB. Work hard, do our best and we will be rewarded with more pay or a promotion. Save enough money to retire, and then finally get to relax and enjoy life. You work for 40 or 50 years building someone else's dreams, making them money, then by the time you get to enjoy life, there's not much time left.
I never understood that. But, that's the way I was told that life was.
But, it's not that way anymore. The world has changed.
A J-O-B is no longer the safest way to make a living. I read somewhere that the average person will change careers six times in their lifetime. Not jobs, careers. The days of working for someone for 40 years and retiring with a pension are long gone. We can not rely on a job for financial security when there is no job security. We can't wait for the economy to get better, or for our governments to create more jobs. It's time to take action.
Entrepreneurialism thrives in bad economies. Some of the biggest most successful enterprises were founded during the Great Depression and the many recessions before and after.
Now, more than any other in human history, because of the internet, is the best opportunity to be able to take control of our own lives, our own future.
Becoming "psychologically unemployable" is about losing the employee mindset and replacing it with the mindset of an entrepreneur, a business owner.
That is the key to success if you decide to start your own business and to achieve financial and personal freedom.

Jonathan Lamphier
J.C.L. Marketing Resources
Jonathan Lamphier - EzineArticles Expert Author


Monday, October 12, 2009

Paying Yourself Smartly

When you work for someone else, payday is pretty straightforward; salary or wages, net of taxes withheld, paid on a pre-determined schedule. Suffice to say the best and most advantageous way of taking income from your business involves a good deal more than simply writing yourself a pay cheque.
"One of the most common mistakes many business owners make is not creating the right business structure from the outset," Not knowing what steps to take to establish the most advantageous structure, be it sole proprietorship, partnership or incorporated company, results in many owners continually denying themselves the most tax effective way to remunerate themselves. Ultimately, it means they net a smaller slice of every dollar they take out of their companies.
The process for deciding on the right structure, which, in turn, helps determine remuneration options, is driven largely by considerations and objectives that should be set out in an owner's business plan coupled with input and guidance from professional legal and accounting advisors. An underlying element of this process is the need, particularly for new owners, to migrate from the mindset of 'pay yourself first' to 'pay yourself smartly'. While each owner's circumstances are different, a common thread to all owners is the need to be informed and smart about remuneration. Getting the right structure and the best advice at the birth of an enterprise yields that far outweigh the relatively small costs involved.
But, being smart can also be complex. For example, an owner that takes remuneration primarily through dividend payments may attract a lower personal tax rate, but the absence of salary payments means tax contributions cannot be accommodated. Depending on the amount of dividends received, the savings from a lower tax rate may be less than those from income against which RRSP and tax contributions can be made.
As well, unless a company withholds tax when allowable dividend payments are made. "Unexpected tax bills at filing can take a big bite out of personal and business cash flow." There are numerous methods for maximizing net remuneration to owners but each calls for some careful guidance.
The way in which owners reimburse company expenses paid personally is also a potential remuneration sand trap. If an owner personally pays for business dinners or other legitimate business expenses, these amounts - substantiated by receipts - should be reimbursed directly to the owner. All too often an owner who has lost or misplaced receipts will take an additional and unspecified draw from the company as a way of offsetting any expenses paid personally. The result is that the company does not get to claim the actual expenses and the owner is left having to report even more income.
Most owners, no matter how focused they are on their business, do themselves a disservice by getting inadequate or poor advise right from the outset - and they suffer for it. Under an incorporated structure an owner can receive payments through various vehicles, including preferred shares, which, unlike common shares, have no profit requirements or payment frequency limits.
As well, an incorporated structure allows an owner to establish, and the company to fund, a family trust that can be used to cover education and health costs for an owner and his or her family. Payments to family members under rules of attribution are also allowed under this structure. Anyone who has ever undergone a revenue audit is likely aware that payments, outside an incorporated structure, to family members can be a huge red flag. Tax authorities often require full job descriptions, detailed individual qualifications of the family member engaged and complete records of utilization as a means of determining whether such expenses will be allowed.
The good news is that there are ways for business owners to maximize their remuneration without suffering the impact of heavy taxation and all business owners, particularly those just starting out, would benefit from seeking professional input. It could easily make the difference between keeping a lot or a little out of every dollar generated.
After years of running and working several business Incorporated and not we have the plan and getting paid.

Check out our latest venture - Morning Coffee Shop's website,


Is Your Business Running You?

  • Do you feel you are not making enough money for the long hours you put in?
  • Do you feel trapped by your business because you can't depend upon your employees?
  • Do things come to a stop when you are not there?
  • Is the pressure of your daily workload starting to have a damaging effect on your health, family relationships and overall enjoyment of life?
Many business owners in this position realize that if they carry on in the same way, they will continue to get the same results, but only with worsening consequences. They come to a point where they think: there has GOT to be a better way.This situation is normal for the business owner who understands the technical work of his business, but does not have all of the business skills needed to operate successfully. There is a fundamental difference between the two skill sets.
This lack of business expertise means that the business owner often wears too many hats and performs too many functions. She is constantly under pressure from many sources including constant interruptions, deadlines, lack of support, lack of communication and poorly performing staff. The business is running her rather than the other way around.
Fortunately, there is a better way.
If the business owner was to change the way she thinks about her business - a beneficial chain of events would occur. The simple truth is that if a business owner wants the business to change, she has to change first. When we change the way we are and the way we think, the business automatically follows because - we do things differently - when we start to think differently.
One way to think differently is to understand the concept that Michael Gerber teaches in his book 'the E-Myth Revisited.'
According to Gerber, in the best businesses - systems operate the business and people operate the systems. What this means is that the business owner does not need the most talented people to have a successful business. And the business no longer depends upon the owner. Often, a business is organised around the owner and existing staff rather than the business processes, which leads to inconsistent performance and creates havoc when the owner is not there or when a staff member leaves.
What many business owners could benefit from doing is to be willing to:
1) start the business all over again from the very beginning, and
2) create order in the business - put the systems in place - that will allow the business to grow and free the owner from the daily work-load.
This is simple to say, but not easy to do alone and unsupported. Which is why smart business owners find mentors, take courses, join local and online business groups, or hire a coach.

(c) Copyright - Stephen Addison. All rights reserved.


Monday, October 05, 2009

Erbs Palsy Facts by New York Birth Injury Lawyer

Complications during the process of labor and delivery can result in various types of injuries for a newborn baby. These injuries, commonly known as birth injuries, can be mild, severe, or fatal in various cases.
One of the most common causes is oxygen deprivation, which commonly takes place if the umbilical cord gets compressed or twisted during the birth process. The other major cause is mechanical trauma, which can take place when the unborn baby occupies an unusual position during the birth process or if the baby is too large to pass through birth canal easily.

There are several birth related injuries which are caused by medical malpractice of medical staff or hospitals during delivery process. Birth injuries can also take place if excessive force is applied during the delivery of a child or there was some sort of delay in performing C-section delivery. Birth injuries can also take place if the medical team fails to properly anticipate the size and position of a child, and thus causing a disordered delivery.

Birth injuries mostly result from operative deliveries, rather than spontaneous deliveries. There are estimated 27 birth injury cases out of every 1,000 live births.

Some of the common birth injuries are: Temporary Paralysis, Brain Damage, Cerebral Palsy, Erb's Palsy, Klumpke's Palsy, Brachial Plexus Palsy, and Fractured Collar Bone,.

Among these birth injuries the most serious injuries are those which affect the brain of a newborn child. These injuries are usually caused by lack of oxygen or bleeding which could take place within the skull or brain. Mental retardation of the child is one of the common injuries associated with Erbs Palsy. Some children who are suffering from Erbs Palsy may also experience seizure disorders. Other than these causes, the prescription medicines can often result in birth related injuries.

If your child has been a victim of Erbs Palsy or any other types of birth injuries then you must get in touch with your personal injury lawyer who will help you receive justice and compensation from the negligent medical authorities.


Handle a Hostile Work Environment

Work can be something that someone looks forward to every day, especially if it is a job that the person really enjoys. There are also those who, even if they do not really enjoy the work they do, enjoy being around their co-workers and spending their day with them while they complete the work for that day. Of course, there are also many more that do not enjoy their work at all and find it even more of a task to get up each morning as they think about the co-workers they can not stand to be around. Dragging one's self to a workplace that they would rather avoid at all cost can be strenuous, especially if it is a hostile workplace.
Work can be something that someone looks forward to every day, especially if it is a job that the person really enjoys. There are also those who, even if they do not really enjoy the work they do, enjoy being around their co-workers and spending their day with them while they complete the work for that day. Of course, there are also many more that do not enjoy their work at all and find it even more of a task to get up each morning as they think about the co-workers they can not stand to be around. Dragging one's self to a workplace that they would rather avoid at all cost can be strenuous, especially if it is a hostile workplace.


Thursday, October 01, 2009

What Do You Need to Do Before Tendering For Business?

You now have a business large enough to go out and look for more business. You've found some great RFP (Request For Tender) and you want to go ahead and bid for some more work. So what should you have done before hand?
An old adage that I try and remember is that preparation, preparation and preparation make a great job seem easy. It is a sad fact that many companies jump into bidding or tendering for more work and they are simply not ready. So what should you do before you write that all important tender?

Most importantly you have to ensure that your business can actually undertake the project and complete the work whilst making a profit. Seems simple doesn't it - but even very large companies have bid on and won projects that have lost them millions of dollars/pounds. Look up the Post Office Pathway project in the UK and see how that nearly bankrupted both the Post Office and the companies undertaking the work.

Secondly you need to understand where your company stands with respect to your competitors. Are they more likely to win the project? Can you work with one of them in order to have more chance of winning the project?

Now look at the risks and rewards appertaining to the project? List your strengths and weaknesses and see if the RFP plays to your strengths. You need to be 100% certain that you are going to be able to make a profit, and hopefully advance your company, should you win the bid.

Next you need to prepare your bidding environment. Most proposals require some standard documentation such as company and product information and staff CV's/Resumes. You should have these to hand.

Lastly prepare your company. You need to know what bidding strategy you will be using. Are you going to bid low and provide a minimal solution or do you want to provide a great solution with all the "bells and whistles" and bid correspondingly high? Not all bids are won by the lowest bidder - many look at the quality of the bid itself.

Now read through the RFP in detail and ensure that you understand it and have enough staff and resources to not only prepare the proposal but also complete the winning project. Good luck.