"A real leader faces the music even when he doesn't like the tune" - Arnold H. Glassgow.
Today, I just want to share some tidbits with you. I got inspired to write this because of some statements I often hear from aspiring entrepreneurs. Statements such as "I want to be my own boss" or "I want to be in charge" or "I hate taking orders." Most entrepreneurs aspire to be their own boss instead of aspiring to become leaders.
So I want to use this article to correct this ill. With this article, I want you to see why you should be a leader and not a boss. This message is in an easy to understand format so please share it with your family and friends. Good luck:
Be a Leader, Not A Boss.
An entrepreneur is a leader, a manager is a boss.
A boss knows everything, a leader admits mistakes.
The boss tells employees what must be done, a leader shows how to do things.
A boss criticizes, a leader gives advice.
A boss talks first, a leader listens first.
A boss gives orders, a leader gives direction.
A boss demands respect, a leader earns and deserves respect.
A boss rules, a leader serves.
A boss is the smartest on his team, a leader surrounds himself with people smarter than he is.
A boss is a task man, a leader is a teacher.
A boss does great things, a leader inspires others to do great things.
A boss speaks to your ear, a leader speaks to your spirit.
A boss is trained, a leader is made.
In conclusion, my advice is you should strive to be a leader rather than being a boss. Go for it and I will see you at the top.
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