As an entrepreneur do you ever find yourself having grand plans and intentions but then often falling short of them? It is natural to want more wealth, health and knowledge. However, we often lack the motivation to see our plans through. Despite the initial "boom" of enthusiasm, we tend to quickly lose our steam.
A typical true entrepreneur at heart is always looking for their next business. How many of us have signed up for the next MLM or business venture. Your energy is high and your dreams grand, but after working a little while in the business, you end up losing the motivation and the energy you had when you first started. Usually this is after you have also invested a lot of your time and money.
So why should we bother? Achieving what you set out to do, can give you a sense of fulfillment and purpose. You feel accomplished and complete. Learning how to motivate yourself, is a lifelong skill that will make reaching any target possible. So how do you stay motivated or "on task"?
Here are some tips:
1. Find your Dharma Your what? Another word for Life's Purpose is Dharma. What is your true calling in your life? What would you do if money was not an issue? Once you figure that out, then turn whatever you love into service for others. If making a lot of money is your life's purpose, then you need to be helping others do the same, in order to fulfill your life's passion.
2. Get a map! You need to get a roadmap of where you are going. A plan for the next month, 3 months, 6 months and even to a year. By having a plan, you now have direction and a map of how you are going to accomplish your goal.
3. Start to visualize your goal. By visualizing what you want to do, you end up putting your thoughts, feelings and energy into your goal. You can do it simply by closing your eyes and thinking about it, or you can create vision boards around your desired outcomes.
4. Ride the momentum and excitement wave. A quote about how to action our goals by Tony Robbins really sums this up: "Excitement must lead to immediate action or you will lose the power of momentum. More dreams die because we fail to seize the moment. Do it now! "
5. Celebrate small successes and milestones. Everyone always looks at the final destination as the reward. "When I make $1Million Dollars..." By celebrating small successes along the way, you are just reinforcing that you are on task. Examples of milestones could be: The first client you get, the first 4-figure month, the first 5 figure month, the first 6 figure month etc...
6.Keep your energy clean. Have you ever had a great idea that was waiting to blossom and then you shared it with someone and they shot it down? Refrain from getting too close to negative people with negative energy. And if you can't keep completely away, use their negativity or doubt as a way to catapult you to succeed.
7. Network with others. Now with the world wide web, you can find a forum or a group for everything. Networking with others that are either in the same business or similar business, can really keep your motivation level up. Other entrepreneurs have gone through what you have gone through. Note: Remember rule number 6.
8. Use the power of words. Surround yourself with powerful quotes, words and affirmations. You can have a quote or affirmation scroll as your screen saver, hang them up around your house (post it notes are good for that), write them on little cards and carry them in your wallet, or use magnets with quotes. Every time you think you feel your motivation dropping, whip out a card and just say it over and over again.
9. Use personal development products. There is a reason why this is such a booming industry. Using tapes, cds, dvds over and over again can help to put you in the mindset you need to stay motivated. Also, once a year, incorporate your vacation with a personal development workshop so that you come back refreshed and ready to live your life's passion.
10. Exercise, exercise, exercise. If the above 9 steps just don't work to keep you motivated. Put on your workout shoes and just get out and exercise. Once you get your blood pumping, oxygen into your brain, you will be sure to be back on task.
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